Saturday, September 7, 2013

2V Taking Initiative One Step at a Time

Initiative is a word I’ve been hearing a lot since I came to college. My Orientation Leaders, friends, and teachers have been telling me that college is about taking the initiative to be independent, which is a huge responsibility. Initiative means being able to do things on your own without being told to. In the first semester especially, students need to learn how to take initiative quickly or they will start to find themselves falling behind in their classes. Since class started, I believe I’ve been taking the initiative to complete my homework on time and to study for upcoming tests.
In my readings last week for my Media in Everyday Life class I learned a lot of new words I’ve never heard of before. One of the words was Mediated World which means, an environment where media serve as intermediaries in the communication process, coming between audiences and persuaders and affecting the information that passes between them. Another word that came up in the text was a Postindustrial culture which means, a fragmentation of society that has resulted from economic, social, and technological changes. When a word I was unsure of came up in the readings, I would look it up and it made what I was reading much clearer.

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