Thursday, October 17, 2013

8A Strive for A+ Work

When I first began blogging, I viewed a few blogs just to make sure I was doing everything correctly and to get some ideas. Now, 8 weeks later, I feel like I have a pretty good handle on how to create and compose blogs that will result in A+ work. I’ve now decided to look and explore into other students blogs who demonstrate quality A and A+ work.

The first blog I looked at was Stepphhr’s blog ( When I began looking through some blogs her stuck out the most to me. Her blog is simple, yet it sticks out due to the bright pink she has as her text color throughout the blog. As I began reading her blog posts, I realized how much detail and effort she puts into each and everyone of her blogs. Even though the minim word count for the blogs is 300, she write more than that and in great detail talks about the topic that is assigned. One post specifically I thought was A+ work was her post 7B True Strenght ( She starts this post with a quote by Friedrich Nietzsche which states “That which does not kill us makes us stronger”. Starting with a quote that relates to what the post is about is very beneficial. As you write about the topic you can go back and talk about how the quote related to what you are writing about. As I read more into this post, she talks about her strenghts and weaknesses are throughout her first semster at school and talks about ways she could improve for the semesters to come. She talks about an experience how she failed her first math exam and how it was a huge wake up call. She goes into more detail to talk about what she learned from failing her math exam and how she could improve and do better next time. This is an A+ blog because she created a good story with detailed and related it back to her life and how she can improve for future situations. Her story grabbed my attention and was very strongly written.

The second blog I looked at was Samantha Monaco’s blog ( Her blog stuck out to be because of her layout, which was so much different that anyone elses blogs. Instead of scrolling down to see older post, all her past blogs are posted on the side, which is very convient. One of the post I clicked on was 6A The Person I am Today ( In this post she talks about a challenge she had faced in her life. What grabbed my attention to this blog was the photos she posted, which were all of her with different family members. This helped create a mental image of the people who she was talking about in her post. She talks about the issue she faced with her brother’s drug and alcohol use. Even though her family faced such a hardship with her brothers drug use, it made her family stronger and closer. She also ends her post by saying “So if you're reading this and you're someone who went through a similar type of challenge I want you to know you're not alone. Don't let peer pressure make you do things that you know are wrong. Don't lash out and follow that person in your families footsteps. Instead I want you to turn their mistakes into lessons for yourself and see how better your life will be!” This was a very insparation way to end this post. Not only did she talk about how she overcommed difficult things that happened through her childhood, she encouraged others who are facing the same issue that their is hope.

These post exemplify A and A+ work. They incorporate specific things such as quotes, pictures and stories that relate to their lives that strenghten their blog overall. These are things every blog should put in their posts!

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