Question One: Why is a liberal arts education beneficial to college students?
Question Two: Should other countries adapt a liberal arts education program into their universities and colleges?
Question Three: How is innovation and a liberal arts education related?
Answer: Innovation and liberal arts are very closely related. In a university setting, a liberal arts education for first year requires students to be innovated, meaning being introduced to something new/making changes to anything already established. A first year student enrolled in a liberal arts program, they must adjust to this new way of learning. Liberal art education requires students to think more deeply about the material they are learning about. This type of education asks that students think critically and expand as far as they can with a specific topic to decode underlying meanings and discover a deeper understanding. Since innovation is all about learning and adapting to new things, being part of a liberal arts program enhances this ability. Within a course requirement in liberal arts, students are required to take classes that they normally wouldn’t take for their intended major. This then expands their knowledge to other topics and subjects that don’t necessarily relate to their major. For an education major for example, taking a biology class doesn’t really relate to being a teacher but, knowing more than just basic subjects which you would teach makes the individual well rounded. Becoming a well rounded individual is very important in a liberal arts education program. Learning a vast amount of information ranging from science to reading and much more build up knowledge that a student can take a could apply it to a future career
Innovation and a liberal arts education go hand in hand. Together innovated students learn and develop so much though a liberal arts program. The opportunities and the skills students learn to think critically about what they are learning creates students who will form into well rounded individuals.
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